Etsy Launch For ICOEP Prints & Apparel

We’re excited to announce the launch of our Etsy storefront, where we’ll be uploading and selling the custom merchandise we’ve designed here at In Case of Emergency Press. Featuring an assortment of visual styles across t-shirts, posters, and other printed goods, we’re thrilled with the prospect of sharing our art with the world.


“Time Fades” Designs

Test Print Series

One of the main items we’ll be creating continuously is our “Test Print Series,” which is a small block of wood with art containing dozens of test prints on top of themselves attached to the front. The artwork is random but extremely interesting, and they’re a small but fun way to get a vibrant, colorful piece of art.

Past Concert Posters

Digging through our archive, we found a few small piles of past concert posters that were designed & printed in-house here at ICOEP, and are simply too cool not to share.

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