Heartwood Organic & Natural Tees

As a business centralized in a progressive city, the idea of “going green” and utilizing eco-friendly practices is important to us. We acknowledge the impact industry has on our local community as well as the planet at large, and we love working with clients who share our vision for a sustainable existence.

Formed in 1991, Heartwood is a regional network that supports community activism to educate the public about the need for conservation of forested & natural lands. Since their inception, they’ve grown into an organization that has held countless events and campaigns to further their outreach, and we wholly endorse their mission as goals everyone should strive for.

These shirts were printed on completely natural colored tees, meaning no dyes or colorants have been added. Both are also 100% organic cotton, with tiny bits of fibers still evident in each and every shirt. Finally, they are printed with a fine halftone in ultra-soft, brown water-based ink as a perfect compliment to the antique photo artwork of a diligent eco-warrior of the past.


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