Nice Piles – 4-Panel Gatefold Jacket for Cassette

Nice Piles was a Bloomington, Indiana band that existed up until literally last night, when they played their final show. As part of the concert, they also released a demo cassette in a limited edition of only 30 units.

Continuing their weirdo aesthetic, Nice Piles decided to go with a layout utilizing a 4-panel Stumptown Printers CD jacket to house the cassette, offering a fun twist to an already stunning package. Band member Joel and artist Dante Augustus Scarlatti designed the art, a textural assault of gooey looking textures with all hand-written typography to complete the layout.

These were printed in metallic green & black ink in a limited edition of 30 units, with 20 on white chipboard and 10 on brown.

Check out the tunes here:

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